Beautiful crossdressers: How to take better selfies

How to take better selfies

How to take better selfies

Photos are a nice way to share our femininity. Beautiful pictures can be a real confidence booster. That's why here I will tell you how to take better selfies.

Beautiful crossdresser in pantyhose and heels taking a selfie

Taking a picture is not exactly rocket science but it does require taking into consideration a few simple things.

Lighting matters

It may be too obvious, but it must be said anyway: you need to pay a lot of attention to enlightenment. Good lighting can make the difference between a memorable selfie and an ordinary selfie.

Natural light is almost always the best, it will help you get that beautiful glow on your face. But don't exaggerate. Keep the light from being too harsh. Certainly natural light is the best, but try to avoid facing the sun directly as it will cast shadows on your face, besides that nothing healthy.


The background you choose for your selfie should help make it more attractive and take it to the next level. Your background should be interesting.

Let your creativity flow freely and try different places with different objects, patterns and colors in the background. Natural backgrounds such as meadows or flowers, or colorful and vibrant places always look beautiful.

The most important tip: be yourself

Seek to reflect the best version of yourself. Do not exaggerate. Be confident. Feel inspired to get your creativity flowing but always trying to make you look natural. Take lots of pictures and try different angles.

And above all relax and have fun taking your picture.
Beautiful crossdresser taking a selfie wearing a green dress, pantyhose and black sandals.

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