Beautiful crossdressers: Feeling feminine

Feeling feminine

Feeling feminine

People say that feeling feminine is a matter of attitude but there are also some things we can do to increase our femininity.

Beautiful feminine crossdresser wearing a pink dress, shiny pantyhose and high heels

To begin with, we don't all think the same way about femininity, although that doesn't stop us from being a little (or very) vain and wanting to look beautiful at all times.

Some beautiful crossdressers can look naturally feminine while others can look somewhat more masculine. But regardless of that there are some feminization tips and tricks that will help you look more passable and feel much more feminine, a feminine crossdresser.

Maybe the first thing all feminine crossdressers should focus on is growing their hair, not because it is the most important thing, but because this will take some time and the sooner you start the better. Having a natural long hair is much better and cheaper than buying wigs. A long and beautiful hair will help you have a better mood and look girly.

Another thing to keep in mind, especially if you want to show off your legs in skirts and heels, is to remove all your body hair often and completely.

Learning to put on makeup is essential if you want to look more feminine. But be careful because it can become an obsession. Here you will find a useful guide on how to apply makeup.

The clothes you wear are also important if you all want to look like elegant crossdressers. Choose a style and remember not to overdo it. Watch how women dress and follow their example. To look sexy you don't need to wear a skirt that is so short that it looks more like a belt. In other words, you don't have to show off too much, even if you love it. And always remember to wear very feminine lingerie.

Shoes are something that drives women and crossdressers alike crazy. Maybe it's because it's the main symbol of femininity. We all love high heels, and the higher the better, but we must take it easy. If you have not yet bought your first heels here you will find information on how to find your first heels. Now, if you want to improve your ability to walk in high heels like a catwalk model, here here are some tips for walking in heels.

And as a final piece of advice, remember to be yourself. Create your own style and don't compare yourself to other crossdressers. You'll be much happier that way.